Return policy
If you change your mind about your purchase, and it has not yet been processed, you can cancel it or cancel your order entirely by sending us an email to genevieve.effectlotus@ . An order that has already been processed and shipped cannot unfortunately be canceled and we will not be able to offer you a refund.
Although we take great care and attention to the formulation and manufacturing of our products, we cannot guarantee that you will feel unconditional love for the products you choose. Since tastes are personal, colors, smells, textures, patterns, etc. may vary. are not what you expected, without affecting the quality of the product. No exchange or refund under the pretext of personal preferences will be possible.
Lotus Effect – eco-responsible soap factory cannot guarantee that the products you choose will be appropriate for your skin type, will not be allergenic to you or any other person using them, or that they will not contain ingredients that you cannot/want to use. It is your responsibility to read the list of ingredients on each product sheet before making your purchase to ensure that they meet your needs, that they are compatible with your allergies and/or intolerances, and that they respect your values (e.g.: vegan product, only organic raw materials, etc.).
- ALLERGY INFO - Any new product should always be tested on a forearm before normal regular use. If you experience a skin reaction, irritation, redness or itching, stop using the product immediately.
- WARNINGS - Never use our products near the eye area. Our products are intended for external use only, and must under no circumstances be consumed, whether in diluted form (e.g.: bath water), or in concentrated form (e.g.: a bite of soap, a mouthful of solid shampoo , sip of facial mask, etc.).
If you have severe allergies or have any questions about ingredients, please feel free to email us at before purchasing or using our products.
For obvious reasons, none of our personal hygiene products can be exchanged or refunded. Gift certificates and/or shipping and handling charges are also non-refundable.
Please only proceed to pay for your order after ensuring that it contains no errors. Upon receipt, check its contents and contact us by email at within 5 days if there is a problem. Mention your order number in your message as well as a brief description of the problem (e.g.: wrong product received, missing item, item with a major manufacturing defect, etc.). We will then contact you for further action.